Here I am, hadir lagi dalam blogku yang ke 2 ini yang too simple to be truth :), setelah blog sebelumnya sukses kutelantarkan, karena satu dan lain hal (baca: males). I do hope that this one wouldnt end up like the old one.
Satu-satunya alasan kenapa aku pengen buat blog ini lagi adalah karena....
Well, U know what? there are lots of things that keep reminds me that i have such a “beautiful life”.
All the experiences I had, whether it was sad, happy, funny, bittersweet, confusing, terrible, scary, amazing, and bla-bla.
All of them had made me become wiser and tougher.
I finally realize that it shows how much God loves me more than i can imagine.
Mmmm..... I think i trully have beautiful life, indeed (kali ini beneran tanpa tanda kutip).
And I wanna share those things thru this page, something yang sekiranya bisa berguna, menginspirasi (I hope so), to light your bulb up, atau kalaupun tidak, bisa buat orang senyum juga udah seneng banget.
Well, makasih buat semua yang mo mampir.
Jangan bosen2 datang ke sini ya….
Empat kali empat enam belas
Sempat tidak sempat harap di balas (apa seh.....?)
Tiada kesan tanpa kehadiranmu (undangan kaleee)
Bye, wassalam.
Balikpapan, ELC, 28 April 2007.
Ps. -Makasih buat Mas Isnaini, templatenya bagus banget. Aku pake di sini ya....
-I finally made it Guh! :)
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Catatan Seminggu #2
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